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The Governor of North Bank Region on Thursday presided over the swearing of the chairman of Kerewan Area Council and 16 elected ward councilors at a ceremony held at Kerewan Area Council ground.

Chairman Papa Tunkara thanked electorates for the trust bestowed on them and promised to work with councilors and development partners to enhance the effectively oriented council to respond to the development needs of taxpayers. 

He used the moment to call on electorates to bury their political differences, promote reconciliation and work on consolidating democratic gains.

He reiterated that all councilors should put aside their political differences and join hands to work for the development, noting that the electoral cycle is completed.

Governor Lamin Saidykhan described the occasion as important and call on councilors and the chairman to promote good governance and all-inclusive participation to accelerate the implementation of council development plans. 

David Gomez, Director of Governance at the Ministry of Regional Government, Lands, and Religious Affairs underscored the need for the council and office of the chairman to promote effective communication and dialogue to design appropriate strategies and interventions for enhancing a holistic approach to the people center council.

He said 4 years journey started from 2023 to 2027 and assured them of the government’s fullest support. Director Gomez reiterated the need for councilors and the chairman to work as a team and embrace unity.

Chief Fabala Fadia Kinteh of Lower Badibou on behalf of 7 district chiefs called for attitudinal and behavioral changes towards the development of society, irrespective of political differences to bring about sustainable development.

Lower Badibou chief enjoined people to be law-abiding and promote political reconciliation.

The occasion was graced by different political parties and the cross-section of society and punctuated by dancing and cultural display. 

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