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A four days training on Local Government Act and peacebuilding organized by
Action Aid International The Gambia -Juffureh office Local Rights Programme 9 is underway for 25 Kerewan Area Council staff and councilor

The training is crucial in creating understanding among councillors on the content of the local government act, good governance, and the importance of decentralization.

The training is the first to be provided to elected councillors, council staff, and chairman to broaden the scope of the local government act and decentralization. 

According to organizers, this will help to enable newly elected councilors to be aware of the local government act and operate within the framework, as it will serve as a guide to operate.

The four days training is underway in Jerreh Camp Resort and Lodge of Upper Nuimi in the north bank region.

Papa Tunkara, Chairman of Kerewan Area Council described the training as a stepping stone for the development and opportunity for promoting good governance and decentralization.

He reiterated the need for councilors to put aside their potential differences and promote reconciliation, while he vowed to work with councilors and council to respond to the development needs and aspirations.

He commended Action Aid International for organizing the training and assured of his office’s commitment to good governance, decentralization, and all-inclusive participation.

Saikou Darboe, Programme Manager Juffureh Office assured Action Aid International the Gambia office in promoting Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) in development.

He noted that good governance and decentralization are critical ingredients in bringing about effective participation and respect for fundamental rights.

He said the capacity development will help to have a common understanding of the attainment of the council’s mission and vision in the implementation of the local government act and make a reference point.

 Manager Darboe urged councilors to join hands to promote reconciliation and peace-building initiatives to trigger all-inclusive participation in advancing the council development agenda.

Ousman Sonko, lead trainer thanked Action Aid for organizing a very important training for council and councillors, noting that it is important in promoting good governance and Local Government Act.

He said the primary responsibility to bring unity among electorates is to bring about sustainable development.

He said Local Governance promotes social accountability and calls on councillors to understand the work ahead and do make reference to Local Government Act.

Sonko reiterated the need for councilors to engage and work with communities irrespective of political differences to enhance the effective design and implementation of development projects and programmes.

Alagie K Saho, Pakau Ward Councillor who doubles as Vice Chairman of Kerewan Area Council expressed delight for training councillors, noting that over 95% of them are newly elected ward councillors, who don’t have any understanding on the Local Government Act and the importance of decentralization. He hailed Action Aid for providing training for Village Development Committees and Ward Development Committees on their roles and responsibilities in promoting good governance and above all enhancing participatory processes in the design and implementation of development projects.

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