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The Market and Toilet Construction Project, implemented by Kerewan Area council, commenced on [Start Date] with the aim of addressing critical infrastructure needs in Sara Kunda. The project aimed to stimulate economic growth, enhance public health, and generate employment opportunities through the construction of modern markets and clean sanitation facilities.

Project Objectives:

  1. Stimulate Economic Growth: Construct modern, well-equipped markets to serve as economic hubs for local vendors, artisans, and farmers.
  2. Enhance Public Health: Build clean and accessible toilets to reduce open defecation and improve overall community hygiene.
  3. Generate Employment: Provide job opportunities for the local community in market management, security, and maintenance roles.

Market Construction:

  • A suitable location was identified and secured for the market.
  • Market stalls were designed and constructed with proper infrastructure, including lighting, storage facilities, electricity, and water supply.
  • Accessibility for all community members, including those with disabilities, was ensured.
  • Extensive community engagement was conducted to incorporate local vendor and community preferences into the design.

Toilet Construction:

  • Strategic locations for public toilets were identified, taking into consideration high foot traffic areas.
  • Clean and safe toilet facilities were designed and constructed, providing separate sections for men, women, and people with disabilities.
  • A regular cleaning and maintenance schedule was implemented.
  • Hygiene education and awareness campaigns were conducted to promote proper toilet usage and hygiene practices.
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